Based on the principle of water hammer effects, hydraulic ram pumps use the kinetic energy generated by moving water to create pressure differentials and then force the water upwards. In this article, we’ll explore the intriguing realm of the hydraulic ram pump, examining its mechanisms of operation, essential components, and applications.
Once we know how they function, we will be able to appreciate their efficiency, simplicity, and the importance of providing water access in a variety of settings, such as agricultural irrigation, to off-grid communities.
What is the hydraulic what is a ram pump?
A hydraulic ram pump, sometimes referred to as a water ram or called a ram pump, is a pump that uses the kinetic energy generated by moving water to raise some of the water up to a higher level. It is a mechanical device that works without the need for any external source of power like fuel or electricity.
The principle behind a hydraulic ram pump is dependent on the water impact. The hydraulic pump and ram set comprise a couple of essential components, including the drive pipe, the delivery pipe, a waste valve, and an e-check valve. The process starts with the flow of water that enters the pump via the drive pipe. It is fitted with an incline of a particular slope.
The concept behind a ram pump is quite simple. The pump utilizes the force of a massive amount of water moving to push a tiny amount of water upwards.
For a ram pump to function, it must have a water source over the pump. For example, you need to have a pond on an uphill slope to allow you to find the pump beneath the pond. Connecting a pipe through the pond and to the pump is possible. The pump has a valve that lets water flow down this pipe and then increases the speed.
- When the water has reached its maximum velocity, the valve shuts.
- When it shuts, the water that flows through it produces a lot of pressure inside the pump due to its inertia.
- The pressure causes the valve to open the Second valve.
- High-pressure water is pumped via the valve before reaching the pipe for delivery (which typically comes with an air chamber allowing the delivery pipe to hold the maximum amount of high-pressure water captured during the pulse).
- The pressure of the pump decreases. The valve that opens first is reopened so that water can flow and gain momentum again. The second valve is closed.
- The cycle continues.
The delivery pipe may rise a few feet above the pump and the water source. For instance, if the pump is located 10 feet below the pond, The delivery pipe may be as high as 100 feet higher than the pump.
The major drawback of the ram pump is that it is a waste of water. Most of the time, just 10 per cent of the water it uses ends up in the pipeline for delivery. The remainder flows out of the pump when the moisture builds momentum.
There is nothing magical going on in the RAM pump. Another design that does similar results could work as follows:
- The waterfalls downhill from the pond and is the driving force behind the water wheel.
- A waterwheel is linked to a standard shaft-drive motor (a reciprocating pump, centrifugal pump, etc.)
- The pump pumps water uphill.
The design is more movable components, yet it does the same thing, and it also is advantageous because it can be scaled to any size quickly. The concept of harnessing the energy of water flowing is a concept that has existed for quite a long time!