Factors That Affect Website Performance | Site Maintenance

Your business or individual websites are more than just your digital presence; they are a way of earning a livelihood, growing your business, expressing yourself, and representing your passion and thoughts towards the business or your purpose of the website. They should speak for you and complete the purpose of their existence.

But that is not possible with a low-performing website! What makes a website good or bad? 

With factors like good web hosting services, fast loading speed, uninterrupted surfing experience, good layout, easy navigation, customer-friendly, etc., your website becomes worth visiting. The defining factors of a bad website are also the same but with an opposite condition.

Finding good services for web and domain hosting in Singapore is easy, but you will have to ensure the overall quality and performance of your website by taking care of a few factors related to your website. 

In this blog, we will talk about the factors that affect the performance of your website!

Factors Affecting Your Website Performance

  • Weight Of The Page

The weight of your website consists of all the written material on the pages combined, images, videos, support software tools, other code files, etc. If you have a large amount of such content, the website weight will increase, and the performance of the web page will reduce. 

This happens because the loading speed and performance of the website are inversely proportionate to the website’s weight. You can use content delivery networks or compressed files in order to keep the website weight under control. It’s like putting it on a diet!

  • Geographic Location

Web hosting servers are computers, central processing units, to be specific, that connect your website to the world. The distance between your server and the HTTP request will determine the loading speed and resilience of the bandwidth of your web hosting. 

For example, if you have a Singapore web hosting server and someone from London tries to request your server to visit the website, the time required to load will be a little longer for them than for someone in Singapore. 

  • Web Hosting Insfrastructure

The hosting infrastructure is the organisation of the hosted services under your domain name, like website hosting, email hosting, database, etc. If the organisation of these services is not at par, you will experience a faltering performance of your website. 

This happens because an organised infrastructure of your hosting services, by your providers, are determining factors of your website’s loading speed, consistent uptime, and reliability in functioning. 

  • Integration of Browser Cache

Browser cache is a process where the browser stores some information for future use. This information is stored in a certain place on the network in order to load that particular image or content quicker on the local device of the user in the future.  

This takes up your network data since it is storing something that will use the network in the future. So, it has an effect on your website’s performance. 

  • Programming Codes

Your programming languages like Javascript, API, and CSS load before anything else on your website. Since the programming languages and codes are core technologies on the internet, they are important for your website. 

However, too much coding can ruin the website’s performance by taking up too much data and space. Regular website performance monitoring and deferring the render-blocking code can improve the performance. 

Final Thoughts

Having a high-performance website is important for customer retention and lead conversion since they are the biggest indicators of a website’s success. 

By removing the abovementioned issues or deferring them, you can make a difference in the functioning and overall performance of your web page or application. 

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