If you want to create a business that will be successful, you have to create a comprehensive marketing campaign. The first step before you engage in promotions and advertising, it is vital to creating responsive, and great looking website that will attract visitors.
Have in mind that website is the primary channel to promote your business and to increase your revenue. Therefore, it is imperative that you create a website that will bring people closer to you than before.
Since there are three responses to every website design in Augusta GA such as: No, Yes, and WOW. You should try to make your website aesthetically appealing so that your visitors and potential customers could say: amazing, or WOW!
We will present you the best website design trends that you have to aim for in 2018:
Broken Grid Layout
We live in the world where web design has passed a long road since the very beginning of the internet. Therefore, every designer will know how to make a reliable and well-organized website. However, since we live in 2018, you should understand that it is an era of experimentation where designers can break the boundaries and try something new and unique.
This particular type of design is called Broken Grid Layout, and it uses strict blurred lines of common grids, while it features the same structure as any other website. The best thing about it is the possibility that text and images overlap each other and mix on the screen in a fluid manner.
Since images will overlap the text, visitors will have more engaging and compelling visual experience. When you break the grid that will allow your visitors to interact with better capabilities, and you should use bold color choices, which are one of the biggest trends when it comes to the web, design in 2018.
Floating Navigation
Even though this particular type is similar to Broken Grid Layout, it is different because it will provide your visitors excitement and fun during the browsing moments. Since websites that focus on conversion tend to have fixed menus, but the CTA remains while you scroll.
The times are changing, and now you can implement a floating navigation menu that will be detached from the usual perspective and show itself at the top corner of the window or below. If you want to check examples of floating navigation web design, you can do it by clicking here.
The main idea of this particular design is to provide to users the feeling that navigation is universal, and the impression that it will stay with you while you are checking for the content.
Rounded Designs
When you create a user interface that resembles card, you will create a responsive design that will appeal to both mobile and web users. You have probably noticed that the cards feature right angle and sharp edges, but this particular practice changed over the years.
Today, the idea is to create rounded edges, because it will create the less invasive opinion to your visitors. However, these are not only changed, because today, but websites also use oblique and organic shapes in combinations with abstract colors.
You can also implement flashing colors that will increase the appeal of your website but based on your industry and thing that you do so that you can make it closer to the public than any time before.
Illustrations at the Center
You probably know that illustrations are vital aspects of any website design, and when you analyze the most beautiful websites in the world, you will notice that they concentrate more on appealing images than on boring text.
Nowadays, images are the most powerful perspective, and since we know that picture can tell us more than a thousand words, you will be able to bring abstract concepts back to life. Image placement and selection is vital, and when you add illustrations at the center of the screen, you will create something powerful and engaging.
That will automatically bring the attention and focus of the customer, and the rest depends on your image selections that will present things that you do not want to say aloud. For example, you have to enter the Dropbox website: https://www.dropbox.com/?landing=dbv2, and you will see what we mean about it.
This particular style includes rough sketches and pairing them with colorful abstracts that will bring the website to life way better than any other external factor. You can use the human form such as nationality and gender, which will make your design more attractive and unique.
Animation and Interaction
The animation is the perfect way to help the visitor to understand what you want to say without adding anything textual that will reduce the attention. Of course, you have to add the appropriate content at the right time, but when you combine interaction and animation patterns, you will be able to increase page transitions and scrolling rates.
The popular designs nowadays will highlight popular words that you want to send away. You can also enjoy websites where as you scroll images move your way. This particular type of design is quite effective, but if you overdo, it can be overwhelming also.
It is vital to avoid using it too much and to implement it only in pieces so that you can increase the customer satisfaction.
Sans-Serif Fonts Are Coming Back
Maybe you remember the times when websites used poor font support and a non-retina screen. That was the main reason why people used sans-serif fonts that were most sensible in the past. If you check the ten best websites that appeared in those days, you will see that they used it constantly.
However, nowadays, things changed a lot, and font rendering technologies became more apparent and stylistics. That is the main reason why soft curving serifs have become the favorite for most users all across the globe.
If you are a fan of this particular font type, by adding them to your website, you will be able to increase the sense of nostalgia, literary polish and elegance. Of course, you should balance it with your other content so that people could enjoy it all the way.